ASP has a 100K form field limit. To get around this with ActivEdit, use the following functions:
In the form page:
<SCRIPT Language=JavaScript>
function aeapi_local_onBeforeSave(aeObject, fieldname) {
alert("Inside aeapi_local_onBeforeSave");
//Set the limit for field size.
var FormLimit = 102399;
alert("FormLimit = " + FormLimit);
//Get the value of the large input object.
var TempVar = new String;
TempVar = aeObject.DOM.body.innerHTML;
//If the length of the object is greater than the limit, break it
//into multiple objects.
if (TempVar.length > FormLimit)
ae_content = TempVar.substr(0, FormLimit);
TempVar = TempVar.substr(FormLimit);
while (TempVar.length > 0)
var objTEXTAREA = document.createElement("TEXTAREA"); = "BigTextArea";
objTEXTAREA.value = TempVar.substr(0, FormLimit);
TempVar = TempVar.substr(FormLimit);
In the form action page:
Dim BigTextArea
For I = 1 To Request.Form("BigTextArea").Count
BigTextArea = BigTextArea & Request.Form("BigTextArea")(I)
Concantenate the ActivEdit form variable and BigTextArea to get the full value.
The alerts are intentionally left in the API function to allow you to see the function as it works and to aid in troubleshooting. You'll want to remove them after testing.