Macromedia ColdFusion MX (Neo, CF 6)
What is ColdFusion MX?
The next version of ColdFusion, called ColdFusion MX (also called Neo, and Cold Fusion 6) marks an
exciting revolution for ColdFusion developers.
What's With the Java?
Macromedia has chosen to switch to a Java
code base which will run on the J2EE Architecture, replacing the existing C++ codebase.
This is merely behind the scenes, virtually all your old code will still run in Neo, and you
won't need to learn Java to continue using ColdFusion.
If you do know Java ColdFusion MX opens up a lot of possibilities for you. Since CF MX runs on
the J2EE platform you will have built in support for JSP, Servlets, and other J2EE services.
Contrary to what many people may think about Java, it actually runs very fast for server applications,
Macromedia says that ColdFusion MX will out perform previous versions.
Whats new in CFMX?
- ColdFusion Components CFC's - CFC's allow developers to encapsulate logic within a
class like object called a Component. A CFC is an object with Methods or functions, variables.
CFC's can be invoked as Web Services via SOAP, and possibly distributed with other protocols.
- Invoke Web Services - invoke SOAP web services with the new CFINVOKE tag. This is what allows interoperability with .NET Web Services.
- CFFUNCTION Tag - Now user defined functions can be defined with the new CFFUNCTION tag out side of CFSCRIPT
- CFLOCK Not always necessary - The shared scope variables (session, server, and application) are now internally stored in a synchronized data structure.
that each read or write is locked automatically, however it is still recommended to use CFLOCK in some situations like the following:
<cfset application.x = application.x & "something">
It is possible that another thread could change the value of application.x after it reads but before it writes the value of this expression.
- XML Functions - XML Functions have been added to allow for native XML parsing XMLParse(), CFXML tag. ColdFusion MX also has functions for XSL Transformations (XMLTransform function), and XPath (XMLSearch function)
- User Authentication - CFMX provides a framework for roles based authentication in ColdFusion with the CFLOGIN and CFLOGINUSER, CFLOGOUT tags, IsUserInRole, and GetAuthUser functions.
- Sandbox Security - ColdFusion MX implements a new security model that is built in to ColdFusion (unlike the previous advanced security policy using SiteMinder).
- JSP and Servlets - You can run JSP pages and Servlets in the enterprise edition
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