<cfset refresh = 0>
<cfset randomContent = "">
<cflock type="readonly" scope="application" timeout="30">
<cfif NOT IsDefined("application.items")>
<cfset refresh = 1>
<cfset rand = RandRange(1, ArrayLen(application.items)>
<cfset randomContent = application.items[rand]>
<cfif refresh>
<cfquery name="q">
SELECT item FROM table
<cflock scope="application" type="exclusive" timeout="30">
<cfset application.items = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfoutput query="q">
<cfset application.items[q.CurrentRow] = q.item>
<cfset rand = RandRange(1, ArrayLen(application.items)>
<cfset randomContent = application.items[rand]>
This does require that all the data is stored in server memory, if you are displaying a different result in each page request it is worth it, because your saving a lot of db access.
Another technique is to use a stored procedure, this article has a good stored proc to use on Microsoft SQL Server http://www.aspalliance.com/stevesmith/articles/randomselect.asp