Parsing RSS 1.0 is a bit trickier with XPath because you have namespaces to deal with. If an item is in the default or empty namespace, you have to prefix the element name with a : to denote this. Thanks to Sean Corfield for pointing this out.
<cfset feedUrl = "">
<cfhttp url="#feedUrl#" method="get" />
<cfset rss = XMLParse(cfhttp.filecontent)>
<!--- get an array of items --->
<cfset items = XMLSearch(rss, "//:item")>
<cfdump var="#items#">
<cfset rssItems = QueryNew("title,description,link")>
<!--- loop through the array of items --->
<cfloop from="1" to="#ArrayLen(items)#" index="i">
<cfset row = QueryAddRow(rssItems)>
<cfset title = XMLSearch(rss, "//:item[#i#]/:title")>
<cfif ArrayLen(title)>
<cfset title = title[1].xmlText>
<cfset title="">
<cfset description = XMLSearch(items[i], "//:item[#i#]/:description")>
<cfif ArrayLen(description)>
<cfset description = description[1].xmlText>
<cfset description="">
<cfset link = XMLSearch(items[i], "//:item[#i#]/:link")>
<cfif ArrayLen(link)>
<cfset link = link[1].xmlText>
<cfset link="">
<!--- add to query --->
<cfset QuerySetCell(rssItems, "title", title, row)>
<cfset QuerySetCell(rssItems, "description", description, row)>
<cfset QuerySetCell(rssItems, "link", link, row)>
<cfoutput query="rssItems">
<li><a href="">#rssItems.title#</a> - #rssItems.description#</li>